
Jonge Geesten is vriend van en heeft meegewerkt aan het pre-event en het event LaFutura2013  Het pre-event had de vorm van co-creatie en was een creatieve uitwisseling van beelden, ideeën en kennis.  Dit gaf inzichten die tijdens het daadwerkelijke event werden toegepast.

LaFutura is een jaarlijks internationaal event waar futuristen, trendforecasters, trendspotters en innovators elkaar ontmoeten.  Het netwerk verenigt een nieuw vakgebied met invloeden uit diverse terreinen als sociologie,  psychologie, technologie, marketing, communicatie en vormgeving.  Nadat LaFutura eerder samenkwam in Berlijn, New York en Helsinki is dit jaar gekozen voor  Amsterdam.  Het thema is NOW NEW NEXT Building the future industry.

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Ochtend programma: Mapping the future industry of today

The future industry of today is an everything but transparant flock of entrepreneurial trendspotters and academic future thinkers from all over the world. An good overview of the broadness and the depth of this new industry is lacking. During this session we will work on the creation of a framework of this new industry. What are the differences and the similarities, what do we have to offer and what can we deliver?

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Middag programma: Building the future industry of tomorrow

As in any industry trends have a constant impact on who we are and what we do. Short and long term trends, from open innovation and collaborative research, and from big data to holistic ideation, will change our business in the future. During this session we will work on the development of a road map to the future industry of tomorrow. What are the strategies for the future of our industry and what is the itinerary of our common road trip to the future?

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Results of the day

Participants were able to take home:
– a framework of the future industry of today
– a road map to the future industry of tomorrow

And next to that they :
– become a part of an international network of forecasters, researchers and innovators
– shared ideas and insights with a group of specialists and experts in the field
– gained knowledge on methods and instruments that will add to your expertise and profession

LaFutura2013 vond plaats 11 november 2013

Meer informatie kun je vinden op de website van LaFutura2013


bron: LaFutura2013